The De Candia Family Story

Alex - born November 26, 1984;
Igor - born May 23, 1989.

From São Paulo, Brazil, Maria Aparecida Candia shares the story of her children:

Alex and Igor were born in Brazil on November 26, 1984, and on May 23, 1989. At 14 years old, Igor presented his first symptoms and Alex at 18 years old. 

In 2013, they were diagnosed with PMD (SPG-2). As of August 2021, Alex is 36 years old and Igor is 32 years old. They have a missense mutation in the PMD gene. One base changes to another, resulting in a different amino acid. Our children were the first diagnosed in the family. 

Although we live far away from the Foundation’s home base in the United States, I receive information daily from social media and email, and I like all the news.
