International Leukodystrophy Centers

The following facilities are focused on Leukodystrophy and are located outside of the United States. For more information and contact information for each center, please click on the links below.  


Main European Center, Netherlands:

Dr. Nicole Wolf

Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam Leukodystrophy Center, Netherlands


NHS England Patient Service & Registry; Alex, The Leukodystrophy Charity, London

Dr. David Rowitch

Cambridge Children’s Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals


Dr Wolfgang Köhler

University Hospital Leipzig A.ö.R., Clinic and Polyclinic for Neurology, Leukodystrophy Outpatient Clinic

PD Dr. Steffi F. Dreha-Kulaczewski

Georg-August-Universität-Göttingen, Children's Clinic and Polyclinic

Dr. Annette Bley

University of Hamburg, Clinic for Children and Adolescent Medicine

Dr. Christiane Kehrer

University Children's Hospital, Department of Neuropediatrics-Developmental Neurology-Social Pediatrics


Prof. Dr. med Robert Steinfeld

Children's Clinic for Neurology, University Children's Hospital Zurich, Department of Neuropediatrics-Developmental Neurology-Social Pediatrics


Dr Luis González

Children's University Hospital


Dr. Odile Boespflug-Tanguy

Robert-Debré Hospital, North University Hospital Group


Dr Enrico Bertini

Bambino Gesu Hospital

Dr Davide Tonduti, Milan

“Vittore Buzzi” Children’s Hospital


Dr. Jigyasha Sinha

Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata

Map identifying facilities focused on leukodystrophy located outside of the US